Thursday, February 4, 2010

sorry i did it

4th February 2010
So, what to blog about?
Can't really concentrate on what to blog tonight because I am currently listening to 'Sleeping Child' and chatting with the one who called me that
Work was not that good before break
I mean, it started well
Briefing was kinda short and really brief
But then later, I had headache all of a sudden
Seriously, it just striked me so suddenly
And it was so pain man
Really pain
I never felt this pain for such a long time
And it was really really really pain
Until I almost couldn't tahan and even thought of going back man
Screw me
Just a thought
Not that I will really do it man
Pain to that extend, imagine that
Oh yeah
And I guess my perception towards Justin is now changing
Towards the positive way
I realise he had some kinda sense of humour too
At least he kinda smiled to me and joked when he was calling Fong today when he passed by me
Break at 4pm
Okay, fine
I did not tell the truth
I wasn't being honest
I wasn't being honest!
Screw me!
I am sorry
The thing was
I was having a really bad headache
And I didn't feel like eating or whatever
So when you told me you were at Pav already, I thought you would come out from Madam Kwan's way from the carpark
But then you weren't there
Cause when you told me that, I was actually going to that level
And then I went up and down a few levels for no reason and didn't know exactly where to go
I didn't wanna join you all
I didn't know why
I dunno?
Really dunno
I'm sorry
I didn't mean to
So I went to Mercato, that supermarket?
Bought a mango lassi and a packet of crackers
And that was what I ate
And drank
I lied to you
I mean, I didn't really lie also
You asked if I ate, I nodded
Not that you would notice anyway
And I'll be the next person to have a sore throat
Maybe by tomorrow morning
Hmm, I'll be prepared for it then
Not that I have lozenges
*shit! starting to have sore throat now!*
Work after break was better
At least better than before break
Lazy to talk about work now
Just that, I kinda enjoy it though
And they're going to Lou Sang tonight
As in, after work
Most of them I guess
I mean, non-muslim ones la
No offence here
And Sam and Fong even asked me if I wanted to join
It'll be at Pandan Indah
The word Pandan Indah makde me think of Pandan Mewah
And you know what Asrul said?
He said lou sang is halal, because we 'baling babi'
I was like, really laughing out loud man!
I like Asrul
He's really funny man!
I like my colleagues!
My dad's birthday again today
According to the chinese calender, which is what they said
I don't follow it anyway
And they bought satay home
I didn't eat the satay they bought
I didn't feel like eating that
So, no rice
Doughnut, siew pao, an orange and a few pieces of honeydew
I'm full!
Looking forward to this weekend
PS. Not eating rice for a few days is no big deal okay babe?
PPS. Sorry for the 'lies'. I am really sorry. =(
PPPS. You are so noob! =)

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