Monday, February 15, 2010

please don't let go

15th February 2010
I was on full shift today
It was really the first time I had a full shift after working for more than a month here
But to tell you the truth
My day wasn't that good
I just dunno what have I done
I know I promised you
And now I could not perform that promise
I am so sorry
I really didn't plan to disappoint you
I just dunno why you're that mad at me or something
You never talked to me for the whole day
It's so not you
Not the way you were to me
I almost had an emotional breakdown in front of my PIC *person in charge*
I cried in front of Edd
My whole day was affected so much
Yet, you didn't know
How could you possibly know
I never had a chance to tell you that
I just don't want you to not talk to me
Because it really feels like last time
How I felt last time
The same feeling
And followed by something that broke my heart so much
I really don't want that to happen again
I wanna believe you
And I really do
Just, don't not speak to me
Focusing on work was so difficult today
I had no mood at all
I was hoping that I would have a reply from you during my break
First break, none
Second break, none
After work, still none
Can you not feel how hurt it was to me?
Why are you treating me like this?
It hurts so much
Why are you making it so hard for me?
How I imagined you would suddenly appear in front of me, surprising me
And how I would cry seeing you smiling to me
And I would just be wrapped in your arms and you would just be there for me
That's all daydreams though
Why can't they happen in reality?
I want you to be here with me because I really can't stop my tears from falling
I am so sorry
And I guess for the first time ever I dunno if I would be looking forward to my off day tomorrow
*Smiling without you is too difficult.*
*Yeah, I'm smiling on the outside but secretly, I'm crying on the inside.*
*My life without you will never be the same.*

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