Friday, March 9, 2012

when all that matters is you

Sometimes I just want to be alone. Alone. By myself, you know. Alone from everyone else. Alone from all the questions that people will non-stop asking you. Alone from all the chattering and blabbering that fill people's lives every minute of the day. Alone from the eye sights and attention from those curious pupils. Alone from the small talk and whispering that occasionally arise the continuous pounding in our heads. Alone from the incessant noises and loud blaring from the many vehicles that are similar to an army of ant. Alone from the troubles have no difficulty in direct confrontation with people. Alone from the simplest query of what to wear or what to have for dinner to the complex one that baffles our minds so much with every attempt we undertake to understand it. Alone from the anxieties and worries that are bound to take the toll on us any time they are pleased. 

Alone, where my mind is free. Free to roam, free to think. Just free, you know. I could let it wander to the farthest ends of the universe or I could not do any tenuous thinking with it. I could come up with all types of solutions for every simple and sophisticated issue that I have to deal with. Or I could tell myself to not give a damn and let whatever happens happens on its own will. I could allow myself to be overpowered by the wildest thoughts that great inventors like Einstein could only produce or be subdued to a state of perfect stillness. I could perform a meticulous selection of the things that I wish to see, the things that I wish to hear, and the things that I wish to fathom. Or I could put all my senses on guard and welcome all things that come my way. I could choose to be, or not to be.

Sometimes, I prefer being alone. 

In a good way, rest assured. 

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