Tuesday, March 20, 2012

love of a thousand miles

So after more or less 3 weeks, I've finally came to an end of the 96-episode drama series. I really do not want it to end. I dread the arrival of the ending. :( Gahh, I wish I hadn't watched it so quickly.

Before I began watching this new remake I never expect I would love it so much. You know, that stubbornness of resisting new stuff just for the sake of your hardcore loyalty towards the original one. Yes, same case. I love the original series, the original cast, the original plot, and everything of this predecessor. Then at some point, guilt comes dawning on you and you are not even sure if you can fall in love with the new stuff. I guess?

Ahh, that aside. I love both of them. :)

Maybe a little more on this new one.

Here's what, I was so sure I shed more tears while watching this remake than I did on the original one. It truly moved me. Some people who knew of this classic series might reject its remake, but as a fan and one who have gave it a go on this attempt would definitely recommend it to you. Really, no regrets for it.

So, let's make a little comparisons.

The major cast.

And that of the original series.

Basically, this remake is actually a combination of all three seasons of the old series. And among those three seasons, the third one is the one I least favour. Sorry to say that though. =/ But there were parts that I enjoy too, just overall, it might be a tad bit boring for me.

This remake sums everything up. Initially, it would no doubt seem to be an exact replica of the original series. Nothing new, but there were additional efforts to twist and turn the story a little. And also more characters were introduced and therefore, more drama and complications. It's natural if you find it plain in the first few episodes but as you move further down the line, things get spiced up. It's definitely worth watching. :)

The ending, not too bad. But definitely could be better. Or maybe the director intended for it to be as such. I remember one of my lecturers once told me, a movie whose ending that is up to the speculation of public is a good one. No fixed ending, but up to the many guesses of the people. BUT I WISH HE DID MORE WITH THE ENDING! HEEHEEE

I so so so wanted to see a wedding for 小燕子 and 永琪. Very very badly indeed! And also 班杰明. It's pretty tragic for him. From the start, he was fighting a losing battle. Watching and caring for the girl he loves knowing that love will continue to go unrequited. If I were the director, perhaps I would include a '5-years later' thingy and then have a reunion session of the 十全十美 family. 10-years later also wouldn't be a problem. And then everyone will be coupled already, and with children! :D Then 班杰明 will return from that 大不列颠 country. And accompanying him will be his beautiful wife together with a couple of kids. Also, isn't someone forgetting about 柳红? She and that bearded guy were left as they were. No more mention on 柳青 and 金琐 as well. Oh well, let's keep our fingers crossed and hope that this series will have a continuous season coming soon. I have fallen head over heels with this bunch of cast. :D

Oh, and also 晴儿. I LOVE HER SUPER SUPER MUCH! The more I look at her, the more I find her the prettiest among all. She's the most gorgeous and demure creature I have ever seen! Pairing up with 萧剑 is definitely the perfect match. They're the second favourite couple of mine! :D

Then there is 含香 and 麦尔丹. Yup, the name's different in this remake. I have to say, he has better looks than the original cast. :P But then again, I think the original 含香 was more beautiful. Don't get me wrong, the remake one is beautiful as well. In fact, she has the face of a mixed parentage. It's just in my personal opinion, I think the original one looks more angelic, and sweet. :D No, wait, I like them both too.

Right, who else?

Oh, yes! I've never loathed a character so much as I do towards 欣荣. By right, she's the wife of 永琪. Too much details on that, but one of the saddest and most tear-provoking moments is under that part. How 小燕子 confesses her inner feelings and how fearful she was of losing the guy she loves so dearly. How helpless she felt and how vulnerable she was. How sad she was. Man, I cried most when she expresses those words to him. :'( 
欣荣 is just too darn bitchy. Everytime I see her on screen I feel like giving her a slap. Ouch. :P (Okay, I take back my words.)

Now that I'm done following so intensely on this series, I think I have just lost my sense of direction. You know that feeling when you wake up every morning and knowing you have something to look forward to? Crap, I think I just lost mine. That 'something' that I have been so used to looking forward to for the past three weeks is gone. Poof! Vanished in just one night. Nooooooooo!

That is why, I dread endings. For now, I'll just have to start hunting for that something again. Either it's the same something or a new something. I NEED IT.

Damn, I love the new HZGG more. No guilt, no guilt, NO GUILT!

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