Tuesday, March 6, 2012

musing aliases

I've realized that my name sometimes poses difficulties to the people who pronounce it. So it doesn't come as a surprise to me when people don't pronounce it the way it's supposed to sound like. And definitely not a surprise anymore that I've come across thousands of versions of my name's pronunciation.

Then I thought of my mum's name. And I thought to myself, perhaps I should have a short-form version for my name as well. Like Will, for William. Like Kate, for Catherine. Like Luke, for Lucas.

Mine could be, Claire? Or Laire? Or Aire? Or Air???

No, that sounds disastrous! 

On second thought, I think I'd prefer to stick with my name. :)

You see, no matter how many designs Starbucks have been thought of, there's one thing that have not and I think, shall not change for many more years to come. And that's the logo. Why? Because that's the name for it. It spells Starbucks even for young and old alike. It's what differentiates it from others. Same here, I'm proud of my name, and that shall never change. Sometimes I'm just curious why people want to change their names so badly. Personally, I think it's a gift. A gift from God and a gift from our parents. Mine is definitely a gift from God and a gift from my momma. So, never shall I change to something that I do not even know whether it suits me or not. So no, no, NO. :D

Why wait? Make that amazing thing happen! 
Because you are the amazing thing to yourself. :D

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