Monday, October 24, 2011

just like a book houses a worm

Looks like I've been LONGGGG GONEEEEE. Oh well, I'm back, ain't I? The past couple of weeks have been so hectic that if I were to recall what I have been so busied with, I'm not sure if I can come up with a perfect answer for you. But I guess it's been the load of assignments that have occupied my time.

And worst of all, I fell sick. I had the most terrible night ever in my entire life, from flu that is. Yes, flu is such an evil killer. I barely slept the other night and it was just like adding salt to the wound when I had to stay back until 7pm the next day in college. Luckily there was the piece of Mr Winston's birthday cake to compensate for it. ;P Just joking.

There is something that I need to confess. However absurd and irrelevant it may sound, I just had to say,


I think I should NOT feel guilty over it as I kept convincing myself that the amount I paid was rightfully returned with the value of what it's worth. But then again, a tiny little voice that just won't let me have the pleasure of enjoying what I've got for myself remains to be a consistent and habitual nag to me. Which makes me feel bad even more.

Oh, by the way, have I mentioned that it was the Big Bad Wolf sale I was talking about? Man, it was flooded by people, and BOOKS. YES, STACKS AFTER STACKS OF BOOKS. I could just swim into this sea of books and never want to get out. No, I need to get out to read them. ;D

Only she will do that. ;P After loading several boxes with her cookbooks, she would just find a corner (and that was not even a corner!) to sort them all out and slowly debate with her mind on which to buy first. First- because we were planning to go for a second round on the second week of the sale.

This was basically what we got for both ourselves. All that was left of me to do was to spare my legs from walking and standing any further and wait until she could finally decide on the books to buy. Easy job right? ;D

Told ya, all her cookbooks. Well, too bad she couldn't get better ones during our second visit. No wait, it was OUR second visit but I went there thrice already!

Just this one bag from my first visit. I only managed to get 6 books for myself and it was only later on that I felt I ill-treated myself from the immensity of books that were pleading to go home with me. No, I really do think so.

SEE! *guilt flooding in*

The few books I got for mum, for those kids she's teaching. So proud to say I've got almost the entire set of Nancy Drew. (I think I really do have the entire set already) Yes, a happy child I am now and I definitely could not wait to have a library of my own. That would be the best thing ever!

Surprisingly (to me), I stumbled upon a book of Nadeem Aslam. Well I've read one of his for an assignment and that's why I came to know that this book won him an award- the one I had bought. So yeah, I guess I'm gonna love this book. 

And then my final visit on the last day of the sale. This time, I could not say I was more satisfied with what I have gotten. Sadly (yes, sadly), I couldn't find the one book that I really wanted so much. The Sinking of The Laconia. I've searched high and low at the general fiction section, the sci-fi section and even the history/political section. Dejected, truly. Well, things come when you least expect them. Just like when The Rose Labyrinth knocked on my door. So yeah, let's keep our fingers crossed and soon enough, I could lay my hands on this super epic novel. Man, I'm not even completely sure that it is a novel.

Momma said she prefers paying more and getting her books at book stores where people are less likely to crowd around you just to have a look at the books you might be interested in. But for me, I just LOVE going to such fairs. I'm waiting for the next one to come. ;D

Psst, I haven't even started on the books I bought. ;P

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