Sunday, February 12, 2012

the flipside of horizon

I think I enjoy being underwater. That is, crystal clear water like those in the Maldives or Sipadan or Perhentian. One day, I was refilling water from the I-don't-know-what's-that-called and the sound the water made gave me this notion. Some people fear the deep blue ocean. Perhaps it's the idea that Hollywood movies like Jaws which gives people the idea of the danger beneath these waters. But not for me. It's a completely different world when being in these waters. Maybe I'd feel like a fish! Like Dory! ;D

A month back, I had the sudden urge to learn diving. Not the kind of diving from planks high above, but scuba diving. Diving with all the gears attached to your body, diving while using an oxygen tank, diving alongside nature's marine life, diving like it's the first time seeing the world. Someday, maybe not now, but someday I'll take up diving lessons. And then someday after that someday, I'll dive in the real ocean, or sea. I'll make that a promise to myself now. ;D

Whitney Houston has left us. It came quite a shock to me when I turned on my laptop this very morning. First it was the great Michael Jackson, and now another legendary Whitney Houston.
Rest In Peace.

"You lift my feet off the ground, spin me around, you make me crazier, crazier."

To be honest with myself, it's a freedom that you can never want to replace with anything else. At least not for me. I could say I'm over the past and I've moved not a step, but many steps forward already. I hope you have as well, but I'm sure you have long done that before me. This freedom, rids all fears that you ever had.

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