Sunday, June 19, 2011

where the sun meets the ocean, and the darkening sky awaits the longing moon

You know how when people says racing against time? It's really difficult. You can never know what might happen next, how will it turn out to be, or maybe it just doesn't go according to the way you planned it. And when it does happen, everything seems to fall upon you. There's this heavy weight that it seems like you'll never be able to stand upright again and lunge this burden far away from you. But you can. Cause that's just what you have to tell yourself. What I told myself. And keep telling myself.

Don't be stress, everything's gonna work out eventually. Just put a smile back on your pretty little face, you deserve much more than the sad face you're putting on now. Wipe away that trickle of tear, you look more beautiful without it. You may not see the light now, but even if you don't, as long as you have faith, walking through the darkest tunnel has no harm on you. Be strong, you will make it to the end.

Take a break, if you have too. Take it too, if you think you want to. Go out, jump around on the grassy plains, lie down and watch the blue blue sky. Look around, take in every little detail, because that's where beauty lies within. You may not know it's there, but believe me, open your heart, and everything around you is worth the attention.

A couple weeks more, I'll be gone. Not somewhere far, nor somewhere across the globe. No. I'm gone from this starting point, where I'll proceed to the next challenge of my life. Fear not, for God is always there. I know it. Have no doubts. For now, compose yourself and do not let anything bring you down. Your efforts will pay off. You'll see. 

When Foundation ends, I wanna go on a trip, far away from the city I'm used to. To a stranger's land, where adventure awaits. I'll explore, I'll see, I'll observe and I'll learn. I wanna walk along the shore, leaving a trail of footsteps behind, etched softly into the sandy white sand. I'll pick up seashells and write tiny notes. I'll insert them into glass bottles and let them swim far far away into the Neverland. Perhaps, some curious souls will pick them up and share my beautiful secrets. I'll sit on the beach and wait for dawn, and at dusk, I'll watch the sun leaves behind its darkening rays, just like in the movie of Pirates. A young lady, waiting patiently for her lover.One day on shore, ten years in sea. I'll wait, like Elizabeth did.
That will be the day I'll never forget.

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