Friday, May 27, 2011

waiting for the end

You know that feeling when you know that something is gonna pass and come to an end eventually but still hoping against hope that the end wouldn't come so fast?

It may not be something major or some life-changing events. 
But somehow, you just refuse to let it bypass you.
And it'll just be another memory you store in your mind.

Then I saw my desktop's theme. 

And I saw a post on Facebook.

And maybe what we thought is coming to an end is actually not. 

But still. It's the feeling that you wish you wouldn't have to feel. The awareness that you wish you would be innocent enough to not to have thought of it. The hope that you cling on to until the very last moment until it finally comes and you just have to accept the fact.

I guess all we can do is to just hope for the best to turn out and accept it as it hits us. 
It would not be such a bad thing after all, I guess.


PS. I really do hope Harry Potter series wouldn't end. <3

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