Wednesday, April 4, 2012

be the icing atop the cake

Two things; I watched Top Chef: Just Desserts last Saturday night and read an article in entertainment section yesterday. 

I don't really follow Top Chef but because I stayed overnight at momma's place that night, it was my one and only escape. Being a reality show itself, it can appear pretty frightening and unbelievable at some points. Not the tasks that they are required to perform, but more of their off-task personalities. I've seen with my own eyes how some people can be so frank with their words and thoughts, if not being overly-honest already. You know, throwing ugly comments straight to their faces and bad-mouthing other contestants when being interviewed. It got me wondering, don't they care about what the viewers will think of them? Their friends, their family members or even their employers and colleagues. The whole nation will be watching their conduct and how they carry themselves and they couldn't even care less about their image.

It is common that we often see the mistakes and flaws in other people very much quicker than we see them in us. And that will automatically lead us to speak words that can be damaging not only to the affected persons but to ourselves as well. When it happens, those words would lash out like spears fast as lightning before our brain can plan what are the should-say and what are the should-not-say. 

Then emotions interfere, like they always do and will always do. They play with your brain, trick it and distract it until the mouth responds quicker than itself. When the heat dies down, these emotions are like strong waves calming down after a storm. They come with great might, engrave their names upon your heart, be it anger, frustration, vexation, sadness, disappointment or threatened, and before you even have time left to reflect upon it, they leave you hanging there all by yourself. What follows afterwards will either be complete indifference or utter mortification. It's a cycle, isn't it? Everything is always a cycle.

But don't be nothing though. Because you are not nothing, you definitely are something. You just cannot submit to being something that is unfavourable, because there is something that is favourable in everyone. Be that favourable something. If that makes any sense.

Hollywood can be mean to people, sometimes. Really they can. That was what I read from the article. I've came to know about this Worst Award thing even before this. Never been a huge fan of it, more like the opposite in fact. I find it kind of mean. Look, why would they want to pinpoint something like that? Wouldn't it be disgraceful to you if you were to be presented such an award? How can anyone be happy and proud to walk up those glossy steps and receive an award for being the worst actor or actress or coming up with the idea of the worst movie ever?

I pity them. I pity Adam Sandler. I like Adam Sandler and because Hollywood made Jack and Jill the history-breaker for bagging all the Worst Awards of this year, I'm just gonna say, "Hollywood can be real mean, sometimes."

Let us all be nice and decent to people, can we? :)

There should be a petition for people all over the world to sign for Hollywood to abolish this Worst Award thing. There should be!

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