Sunday, May 2, 2010

never ever ignore any legend that has connection with mushrooms

2nd May 2010

I had only 5 hours of sleep last night - I mean, early this morning - due to that mushroom movie, 'Shrooms'. It was described as some kinda horror cum thriller movie in the papers and feeling like it's been so long since I've watched such movies on tv, so, why not right?

But don't blame me for not warning you that this ia a MUSHROOM movie. (mushroom movie? LMAO!)

Alright, I'll give you the synopsis here.

(if not for the mushroom buds that silhouetted against the moonlit night, it would pass for a movie like Alice in Wonderland. Seriously!)

Having been promised the 'trip' of a lifetime by their Irish friend and mushroom expert Jake (Jack Huston), a group of American teenagers arrives in Ireland, keen for adventure. Despite Jake's warnings about the "shrooms they shouldn't eat," things start to go horribly wrong when one of the five American tourists, Tara (Lindsey Haun) munches a "Death's Head" fungus and immediately suffers convulsions and dark visions. While confined to a tent that night as the others listen to Jake's ghost story around the campfire, the horrific details of this barely-overheard yarn from the man who brought her out of convulsions becomes Tara's new reality. The next day, as the group is bloodily whittled down to one, it is eventually becomes clear that, whether or not Tara's apparitions are real, the carnage they leave behind certainly is. Since everyone is now high on "shroom tea," it's anyone's guess who will last the longest. Will the jock Bluto (Rob Hoffman) succumb to the talking cow, or the succubus in the muddy car? Will long-haired Molly (Alice Greczyn) perish at the hands of the Texas chainsaw-type guys, or the dog-boy? Will bitchy Lisa (Maya Hazen) be snared above or below the reedy lake water? Will martial-arts wannabe Troy (Max Kasch) get gashed in the forest clearing, or abandoned orphanage hallway? Will Jake die from his jump through an upper window, or due to an axe in his brain? Even after a helicopter locates the sextet's lone survivor, and a land ambulance takes her toward the hospital, the slaughter will continue.

Seriously, I didn't realluy quite get the story, not if I didn't read the synopsis. Well, for one thing, I wasn't paying full attention to the movie. A huge thanks to MSN! =P And secondly, there was this guy, Jake I think, (if not for the synopsis, I wouldn't even know the guys' names. I just remembered Tara, Holly and Lisa. The synopsis states 'Molly' but in the movie, I heard it was 'Holly'. whatever =P) has an accent not quite like American accent. American accent is way easier to comprehend. I mean, at least you can hear clearly for American accents. (can't remember what's the word for 'easy to hear'. forgive me, my vocab is rusting man! Really.) British accents are a lil difficult though. But that guy's accent sounded like, what, Spannish? Really,  I couldn't catch what he was saying you know.
Great, my English is undergoing a downfall now. =P


Oh, and good news! Gossip Girl season 3 is back! Starting 31st May on 8tv, every monday at 10.30pm. I'm a Gossip Girl fan alright? =D But then, Mondays are Criminal Minds. Aww man, do you know what that means? Criminal Minds season, uhh, dunno what, is coming to an end. Darn! And also One Tree Hill! Aww man, I miss watching One Tree Hill!!! <333


Oops, I was so sure that there was no man-jumping-outta-window scene in the movie last night. And that dummy was soooo sure there was such a scene cause he said he thinks he watch the movie before. And when I read the synopsis just now (the one above), there was such a scene. =PPP
My bad. Haha!

Horror. Thriller. Msn.


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