Tuesday, August 14, 2012

this little thing called life

Life is such a fragile thing. One moment you're here, the next moment you're gone. One moment you're the happiest person on earth, the next moment you may wonder if you'll ever feel happy anymore. 

Sometimes people may gain all that they want from this planet. But they will never always be satisfied. Some people may think they have all the authority on their lives. But it is not always that way, because things can go out of the way. Sometimes people just develop this thought, "Hey, I don't even need anyone's help." But at one point in our lives, we will be humbled to a stage that we might even find it too unbelievable. 

Life is really a fragile little thing. No matter how much control we think we have over our own lives, there seems to be an external force that never fails to alter the way we want it to be. The result? Well, it may turn out to be pleasanter than we could've planned it ourselves. Or it could become the worst disaster we could ever think of. Yet, with every little thing that we stumble over as we go about this life journey, there is a lesson that we are bound to learn from it. Even if we do not learn from it and repeat the same mistake another time, we can't deny that there is something important that yells to us, "Hey, look here, you're gonna fall into the same deep shit again if you don't listen to me!"

I think everything happens for a reason. Some people may believe in a thing called fate, some believe fate is the last thing that has a say in their lives, while some, well, there is this special thing called submission. I believe everything happens for a reason, and I know this because I know that God is working behind such events and is drawing out the best future He will give me.

You see, in our lives, many things happen which we ourselves can't find a good enough explanation to explain it, even to ourselves. And sometimes, our lives seem to be going in a way that is so unexpected from what we initially had in mind. I've seen enough recently to say that at times, we just have to submit to God ourselves and our lives because, why struggle with our limited abilities when God Himself is asking us to leave it all to Him and have peace.

Be still, and know that I am God.

I so love this song. :)

My grandpa has just returned to the Lord. Yes, there will be sadness and grievances. But the Lord has called to him in his unconsciousness. God's peace was with him and I know it to be true because God answers prayers. He has answered our prayers.

Be still, God is doing His work. Appreciate all that we are blessed with, for life is just too fragile.

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