Friday, November 12, 2010

blue suction moron

So I realized my finals are next week and I still had plenty of revision needed to be done and yet...

So there you go.


Synopsis:In "Skyline", we follow events after a night of partying when a group of friends are distracted by beams of light awakening everyone in Los Angeles and attracting every person like a moth to a flame. As the night progresses, they soon discover that once addicted to the light, one would vanish into thin air, and that extraterrestrial forces are starting to swallow the entire human race. 

Yeah, another of those alien-taking-over-the-Earth movie. Alien invaded Earth, sucking people into this mammoth Terminator-Salvation-like-thingy and removing human's brain before literally undergoing a suction-pump-like tube. Eww!

Apart from the brilliant blue light, half-killing suspension and aroused hope during the battle between human armed forces and alien air force, the movie was just plain OKAY. Sorry to say but there's really no storyline, ending was kinda dangling (maybe there's a sequel to it?) and not forgetting the fact that the plot was pretty misleading as well. There were a couple or so parts that seemed like the movie was about to end (which I was so glad about) but in fact it wasn't even close to ending yet.

Dammit, I'm such a terrible critic. Sorry, my bad. =/

But nonetheless, like I always do, at least I've watched the movie and now I would not waste my time downloading Skyline. =P

Um, maybe some merits for the movie? The leading actor, Jarred, was quite good-looking. Oops. =P The ending was not too bad too actually. It was sorta dangling but it had some sense of um, humanity? Blended with love and sacrificial and protection? LOL
I know, I know, my grammar just sucks big time. =(

Um, watch it still? Support Universal? =)

Apologies for any offence caused.

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