Saturday, July 24, 2010

the bazaarians

It was kind of a spontaneous move; deciding to go back to Cochrane for its Hari Keusahawanan just this morning. I've wanted to go soooooo badly but thinking I might not have enough time to finish up my shopping and not forgetting the fact that not many girl friends are going. (presumably wrong) =P

But I went still. =)

It turned out to be very much more fun than I'd imagined. And yes, like what Lim Wei Ming said whenever I greeted whoever I saw that I know of when he accompanied me throughout the entire cruising of the so-called pasar malam. (that was the term Lim Wei Ming used. =P)

And yes, I became so hyper when I saw En Ahmad. Gee, he was one of my most remembered teacher. =) The funny thing was, I surprised him with my hyper salutation of En Ahmad which then led to us talking for a lil while and then him asking me whether I've eaten or not. I said no, which was true, I've not eaten my breakfast yet man. *stomach growling* And I assume he was in charge with that mini pao stall because he asked me to "Mari" which I did and then he asked me whether I like chocolate or not and no doubt it's one of the luxury I would die for and guess what? The next second, he opened the steamer and took a mini chocolate pao for me! That, was just plain awesome. Yes, the pao was freaking mini and it was so adorable! *imitating Despicable Me's Agnes "Omg, It's so fluffy I'm gonna die!"* But what was superbly awesome was the fact that I was given such an awesome treat from the awesome teacher of mine! (well, former teacher XD) 

I likey! =D

And and and, I saw Oli! And and and, I saw Abang Wai Seng!!! And and and, I saw Jiang Kai with his super long hair; no longer that NS baldy. =P And and and, I saw that bengong Bryan Ng Kah Sing! And and and, I saw so many of my buddies! =D And and and, Jih Dar reminded me of scouts when he asked me to support scouts' stall by buying the key chain that he claimed he made it. =P And and and, I saw Mun Ping! He was asking if I wanted to have his packet of snacks from his basketball shooting game. XD And and and, I saw Pui Sing! And and and, Joey and Vuan Zhin and Yerng too! And and and, I saw bro too! *LMAO* And and and, I didn't see Mr Chan. =(

*I likey the and-and-and thingy. XD*

Oh, and and and, there weren't any pictures. HAHA. Yup, didn't manage to snap any pictures though. 

And and and, for the half hour that my escort, the 'gentleman' Lim Wei Ming *ahem* who accompanied me from the instant I stepped inside Cochrane till the second I left, he sapu-ed his remaining coupons and shared the food with me; which he reminded me of our fishy meal. =P 
Seriously man, I seemed to always end up eating with that Lim Wei Ming. HAHA. And for the pitiful last piece of nugget, he still wanted to cut it in half and each had a half of it. Well, if that wasn't pitiful enough, he was almost gonna half the last string of fries! I just managed to stop him in time! Good gracious. =P

See how awesome-licious this last-minute decision was! =D
I likey! 

And and and, in case this was exhausting enough, I headed off to Petaling Street after that. How hectic my schedule was man. *my bad. =P*

And I think I have potential in bargaining. =D From a 45 dollar bag, I had it at 33. Yay me! My first time bargaining at Petaling Street, how awesome! =D 
And the bag is purple! I likey! =D

From Petaling Street, I headed to Leisure Mall. All in vain though. But nevertheless, at least now I know.

Cochrane, Petaling Street, Leisure Mall.
Good thing I did not park my car in front of PappaRich, or else I would have to walk all the way back to my condo. Well, have I mentioned I got my first summon 2 days back? No? Well, it sucks to the max and spoiled my mood totally. And that certainly explains my current anti-cops mood. =P

I'm so exhausted right now, and it's only 949pm. And I'm anticipating another really busy day tomorrow. =/

Well thumbs up though, at least I'm busy for a good cause. =D

College college! =D

x x x

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