Thursday, July 26, 2012

when the calling comes

Taiwan Mission Team was here! :D

Had a youth session with them but turning out to be a youth and adult session as well. Hehhhh :)

Some day, I'll go on mission trips as well. To every single part of this world. :)

when a movie makes your day

Sorta celebrated our final day of the semester with a blast. No, not the champagne-type blast or anything grand like that sort. 

More like, the Bat-blast. :)

One group went off to Bukit Tinggi and spent the night eating 3 kilos of poultry, another group went for lingerie shopping, and another decided to watch the animation movie Brave. And not even one of those did we join. So what was left of us was, me and Candace settled with The Dark Knight Rises instead.

And I'm so proud of ourselves for making THE right decision. :D

I don't watch Spiderman but I do watch The Dark Knight. Most probably that's because I've watched the previous installment and how my fancy for the Joker has formed since. Heath Ledger was a legend, no doubt. Christian Bale isn't far from that either! #ohmygosh

I'm so thankful I've watched the previous installment. Or else, I wouldn't even know what I was doing for the whole time in that dark room.

Some people told me this installment isn't that great but I'm sorry that I have to disagree with you guys. CAUSE IT'S PLAIN AWESOME! (Y)

Yes, no joke. Well of course, all the while as I was watching, I sorta compared this villain (Bane) with the Joker. No doubt definitely that Heath Ledger was a better villain than Bane. Still, Bane is pretty ferocious and can be a total bad-ass at times. Some parts were really violent, at least to me. 

I'm not giving out any spoilers now. But I was hoping to see a much younger Christian Bale. Now I've even forgotten how he got himself limping and depending on the walking stick. Anne Hathaway, one word, sexayyy! Her bright red lipstick and those super tight leotard and oh I so love her hair! She and Christian Bale could definitely win the perfect couple award. :D

Then we have Joseph Gordon-Lewitt. Funny it was, really. I have been keeping a close watch on this guy and thought that he really resembled Joseph Gorden-Lewitt. Yet I couldn't be completely sure about it. Well, until I saw his name appeared in the credits. Now how can you turn down a movie like this, right?

It's really an engaging movie, I'd say. Maybe my post-exam excitement is to be blamed or the fact that holidays have only begun, but nonetheless, I am so friggin sure that watching The Dark Knight Rises can be compared to eating a can of Pringles. You know, you just want to have more and there's no stopping that craving. Am I exaggerating?

I think not. :P

A movie is considered a great one when it engages you, when it leaves you breathless, when it gives your heart that little skip, when all of a sudden, you'll catch yourself saying, "Come on, come on!", or, "No, please don't let him die." Well, those were the words I mumbled to myself and hoped against hope that the director actually hear me and let the story line go according to my wish. Perhaps Christopher Nolan did hear my pleas. :)

Not spoiler but, I really thought Christian Bale was dead! :(

And if he really was dead, I'd be so devastated! I just don't like heroes to die, you know. HAHAHAHA

I guess it's because when heroes don't die, it sorta gives me hope. Hope that there's a light ahead. Hope that all that he has done has been paid well. Hope that people will come to know of the good deeds he did. Hope that he will be happy knowing that what the world has become has been part of his lending hands. Hope that, well maybe there could be another installment. And don't let this hope come crashing down by telling me the obvious fact that Christian Bale has decided he won't reprise his role as Batman anymore. WHO KNOWS!

He is now the real-life Batman. :D

I had a great day yesterday. No regrets watching The Dark Knight Rises. I love it super much. :D


I super love Christian Bale alreadyyy! <3

point of breakfree

Hello, liberty! :)

I'm so in love with the smell of freedom right this moment. Yes, second semester of my first degree year has just ended. What a semester, really! Things have not been going very smooth and tension was never absent all this while. All those late nights of rushing for assignments and due dates and constantly under the heat and pressure are now bygone. 

Well, that just repeats at the end of every semester isn't it? How ironic. Don't we ever learn from it? 

I fear not. :P

I'm finally getting some rest days now. For some particular reasons, I've been feeling out of touch from a good o'rest day. You know, one that I am completely free of all kinds of obligations and duties and work. One of those days where I could just sleep till the sun shines through those lacy curtains and wake up without the slightest sense of guilt. A day where I will have trouble deciding what to do instead of being troubled over what else I have not finished yet. Well, I could, read? Plug in my earphones and groove to every single song in my laptop and feeling miles away from reality. Or I could feed my eyes with episode after episode of Ghost Adventures. :)

This one full month of August ahead, you bet I'll make full use of it. I'm really looking forward to it. Well, no specific plans YET. But fret not, it sure will be one that I will not regret.

Another road trip, perhaps? :)

Thank God for this month-long break. I definitely need it more than I ever do so far this year. 

So to all my lovely friends, Happy Holidays! We all deserve this break. :)