Saturday, December 31, 2011

rejoice this revelry!

HA! So much frustration that I should be venting about all because of a problem that until now, I still could not tell the main source of it. This problem, is what have been depriving me from my lovely blogging space and that so totally explains the absence of any updates ever since the last of our Beauty and the Beast performance. 

My sincere apologies. To any readers (if there are) and especially to myself and my blog. ;D

I'm just THAT good. ;P

Anyway, it's the LAST day...

on earth.

Okay, not. But I wish someday I could say that. Well, in a good way of course. ;)

It's the last day of year 2011. Gee, how quickly that seems to be. First it was "Last Christmas, I gave you my heart..." and now "Should auld acquaintance be forgot...".

Ahh, a year has passed in the blink of an eye. I suppose it's the time of the year when people act more differently than usual. They just lie down on their couch and a gazillion of things run through their mind. Or for some, they have the favourite pen in hand, twisting and turning, flipping through pages of diaries and penning down their heartfelt emotions and thoughts. Or still there are those that finally found the super PERFECT time to get out, get wasted, and spin out of control for once and the final time for that year. 

As you involuntarily keep your mind active pondering over the little things that have happened to you over the year, you begin to doubt, question, chastise, blame, understand and of course, to love yourself even more. You think of some events that lifted you up but brought you to a downfall as well. You think of the things that made you feel like an angel dancing amongst the fluffy white clouds but also those that broke your heart into splintering pieces. You think of how easily some people came knocking upon your door and allowing themselves into your precious life and yet, how in a split second their presence left no mark that you can trace anymore. You think of how filial you have been as a son, as a daughter, as a grandchild, as a sister, a brother, a cousin, a friend, a best friend. You think of all the choices and decisions you had to make, easy or difficult. You think of the last day of the previous year. You think of the first day of this ending year. And now, you're thinking on the last day of the year for the first day of the next. How ironic and how confusing yet deep it sounds to me. ;D

For the previous years, mum has always mentioned to us about setting our resolutions. But surely most of us know that resolutions are among the hardest things that ordinary people like us can and will adhere to. So, she didn't mention it this year and I don't think I'll have any specific resolutions that I need to make for now. Because after this entire year of happenings, ups and downs, I realized that even with resolutions, some things are just not in our control. 

They just happen.

Yes, that's the phrase for it. They just happen. Not that you want them to happen anyway. That's why, "Man proposes, God disposes." Um, I think it should sound that way. ;)

This time last year, everything was so different. This time next year, I'm sure I'll be saying the same thing. ;)

See, told ya! 

By the end of tonight, I would want to say to myself, "Gee, you made it through a year!"

Let bygones be bygones. ;)

See you next year folks! ;D

With lotsa love. ;)

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