Wednesday, March 10, 2010

i iz veri ze emo nowe

10th March 2010
So, guess what I've been doing these last 2 days?
Well, yeah, you are so damn precisely correct!
It was none other than UNDANG!!!
I read up those stuff and I forgot them today
How suck-y is that man!
And all of a sudden I'm feeling so pathetic for myself
I wanna cry
I don't wanna study undang anymore
Why must I study undang?
Why studying undang is so unlike studying for SPM?
Asking about demerits and stuff
And what about merits?
Well, there should be merit points as well what
It should be balanced!
Obeying traffic lights will be a merit
Driving within speed limit should be a merit
Wearing safety belt should be a merit
Using handsfree should be a merit
Bringing along one's driving licence should be a merit
Because it is so unfair man!
Once getting 10 demerit points for a passer, his licence will be forfeited
That is really really unfair!
And I know that has nothing whatsoever to with me studying undang
But because I am now so de-motivated to study, so, allow me to talk crap here
And due to long hours of undang study, I have gone slightly crazy already
Here is prove

ɯ ı l l ı ɐ m - - \/\/ \/\/ _ - Fcuk My Thumb. says:
taking ur results tmr?
c l a i r a says:
you're not going?
ɯ ı l l ı ɐ m - - \/\/ \/\/ _ - Fcuk My Thumb. says:
yes i am
take and hide and run back home
c l a i r a says:
why so emo
i'm even more depressed right now
ɯ ı l l ı ɐ m - - \/\/ \/\/ _ - Fcuk My Thumb. says:
c l a i r a says:
what has that gotta do with coconut?
ɯ ı l l ı ɐ m - - \/\/ \/\/ _ - Fcuk My Thumb. says:
i ter-rmber that song
c l a i r a says:
coconut sounds like a noob
ɯ ı l l ı ɐ m - - \/\/ \/\/ _ - Fcuk My Thumb. says:
c l a i r a says:
like, really
ɯ ı l l ı ɐ m - - \/\/ \/\/ _ - Fcuk My Thumb. says:
for a noob
evithing is like a noob
cant help u
why u so depressssssss?
c l a i r a says:
cause of undang
i hate undang
i am emo now
ɯ ı l l ı ɐ m - - \/\/ \/\/ _ - Fcuk My Thumb. says:
Undang iz ze very ez
c l a i r a says:
but i got so many wrong
ɯ ı l l ı ɐ m - - \/\/ \/\/ _ - Fcuk My Thumb. says:
c l a i r a says:
i wanna cry
ɯ ı l l ı ɐ m - - \/\/ \/\/ _ - Fcuk My Thumb. says:
learn from ur mistake la
see why u are wrg
then rmber it and do again
c l a i r a says:
i am depressed
i go mandi
ɯ ı l l ı ɐ m - - \/\/ \/\/ _ - Fcuk My Thumb. says:
mandi kerbau
c l a i r a says:
i iz veri the sad now
ɯ ı l l ı ɐ m - - \/\/ \/\/ _ - Fcuk My Thumb. says:
c l a i r a says:
i iz not understandez
i iz go mandi now
ɯ ı l l ı ɐ m - - \/\/ \/\/ _ - Fcuk My Thumb. says:
c l a i r a says:
i iz ze back
ɯ ı l l ı ɐ m - - \/\/ \/\/ _ - Fcuk My Thumb. says:
i ze dun realli carie
sinceee youuu arie herie
wee talkki
c l a i r a says:
ɯ ı l l ı ɐ m - - \/\/ \/\/ _ - Fcuk My Thumb. says:
moi iz jsut joking
c l a i r a says:
i iz saying finee to the talki
ɯ ı l l ı ɐ m - - \/\/ \/\/ _ - Fcuk My Thumb. says:
yes madame?
c l a i r a says:
wut timeez arie youe goine tomorrowe
Get it?
I iz using ze languagze of i-dunnoez-wherez
I iz emo nowez
I iz not happiez nowe
I iz veri ze de-motivatedez nowe
Coutezey to Wong Wei Leong
I was re-motivated by Andy Chong earlier on after my first de-motivation
Because he said if I pass my undang test and then he will give me something
Mean what you say bengong!
But not long after, a second de-motivation striked me again
Here are proof
I know it's not clear enough
And also due to my de-motivation to study tonight, I 'used' up those time for picture editting
You really gotta spare me with those
I have never felt this tormented before
Not even during SPM studies
Undang is killing me!!!
I wanna cry
I don't wanna study undang
I was further de-motivated when I saw her picture in her blog where she took with Quincy
I feel so, apart
I am de-motivated yet again!
Further de-motivated due to tomorrow's SPM results taking
And I feel scared now
For no reasonable reason I could think of
LOL again
And now, I don't feel like going to take my results tomorrow
Hmm, can I just go to school and meet up with my friends but not taking the results?
Aku takut
Quote for the day : You got a problem? Yes, I am de-motivated
Imma feelin veri ze de-motivated rightez nowe

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