Sunday, March 18, 2012

we are just that prompted

People care too much sometimes. Even if it's not up to us to concern for, we still do. Even if it's not our place to do so, we still do. Even if the issue at hand is fairly distant from us, we still do. Even if knowing that care would go unrequited, we still do. Even when it is not asked for, we still do. That explains for all the misery in the world. 

But people are people. And humans are still, well, humans. We have feelings that we can hardly control. We react to emotions just like an everyday thing in life. I would not be surprised to know if to not caring for someone would turn up as one of the top most difficult thing for people to do.

Sometimes, I wish I would care less. I do, really. Because when you care, you carry hope. When you care, you do so from the bottom of your heart. When you care, it is a sincere act and a natural tendency. When you care, you are actually putting your heart out there in danger. Even when you do not expect anything in return, which is what caring is supposed to be, there is the possibility of being stabbed in the heart when that concern goes unappreciated. Then it makes me think to myself, why should I even care so much? But this thought would vanish sooner than I had always planned and the caring starts all over again. Then disappointment and heartbreak and self-chastisement. Before long, your heart softens and you'll start caring again. It's obviously an unending cycle. And such a cycle is not one that is easy to break.

I cared too, perhaps a little too much. That's why.

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