Friday, August 26, 2011

the mockingbird

Songs are just, songs. They, in their basic form, do not mean anything to us. Lyrics, they do not mean anything to us, until we learn to associate them with something that had happened to us. Attribution. 

Sometimes, or rather most of the times, we overlook the efforts singers or songwriters have put it to produce great music. I guess we are so attuned to the easy-listening melodies and neglect the meanings in those gingerly crafted words.

There I was, sitting in the driver's seat, hands on the worn yet loyal steering wheel, easing my way through the ever-present congestion. Eminem's Mocking Bird exuded from the back speakers and so naturally, hitting the senses of my hearing. It was not a stranger to me, that song. Of course, the one reason that this song stayed in my memory all this while is the similar phrases with a nursery rhyme that had once been a part of my childhood companion. A mocking bird that would not sing, a diamond that would not shine, a looking glass that would break, a cart and bull that would turn over, a billy goat that would not pull, a doggie that would not bark. A girl that will always be his daddy's favourite girl. Yes, how identical they were. How these little details of importance are embedded into a song. How meaningful Eminem's song is once you channel your attention to the reasons beneath the composition of the song.

You have come so far. 
If you could know how things would end, will you do it all over again?

I would.

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