When you think boredom is knocking on your door soon, pack your bag, grab your car keys and head out from your cooped up place immediately. That was what we needed to kick away those dullness and spiritless days. So a day trip to a near yet worth exploring place would do the thing.
Last Monday, momma, bro and I had our own exploration day. A close to 45-minute drive brought us to Port Klang. There, we board an air-conditioned longboat to a pretty secluded island. It turned out that the short journey was not that short either. All you see along the way were trees, which I suppose are mangrove plants, from the way their roots look, and sea water. Earlier on, Momma told me that there were reports of dolphins in the waters of Port Klang. As hard as I tried to focus on the sparkling waters, I couldn't see any sudden splashes or humpbacks to indicate the presence of the mammals.
The walkway towards the boat.
Practically, we were at the jetty.
We arrived on the island before noon. It was clearly a fisherman's village. Oh by the way, I haven't revealed the place name yet, have I? It was Pulau Ketam that we went to. From our first observation, we more or less figured out the reason for the island's name. The shoreline was all mud, at least it looked so from the angle we had above. Nobody walks down there except fishing boats which were docked on it. Thanks to the bright sunshine, we could see for ourselves the numerous and uncountable amount of baby crabs hiding among the muddy ground. You might not notice it in a flash, but as you look more closely, you'll notice there are quite a number of tiny humps all over the mud and a movement or two will catch your attention right at the corner of your eye. And those, my friend, are the crabs. They are not that baby actually, but not so big as to be able to eat them though.

Tha! Those tiny protrusions from the mud are the backs of crabs. The first time I actually see a crab walk, sideways. ;D

We toured the tiny village. As you move further in, you'll notice that all houses and buildings are built on stilts. Some houses have surely been renovated and more so, beautified, but underneath them are most probably wooden stilts and more muddy grounds. But it's quite a sad thing to see that the hygiene in this village was less appealing. Even though the houses above may seem pretty amusing for a village like that, but beneath the appearance, there were actually lots of rubbish strewn all over. So, if you're planning to come over, just don't have too high an expectation from it. Like bro said, there's nothing much to be seen here. Well, it may be true for those who, prefer urban life or less interest in nature. I think it was quite an experience for me. I kind of like the way their houses are. Man, they were spacious! And those tiny doors they have, how cute they were!
The main transportation here?
Bicycle. ;)
But even with bicycle, it would be a hard time trying to manoeuvre through those narrow and crowded lanes.
Lodgings were provided here as well.
See what I mean?
Momma spotted this atop a temple. How significant! HAHA
The population there were majority Chinese. Most restaurants were Chinese operated as well. We only spotted one Malay eatery. Lots of stalls selling local products as well. But be cautious though, some really hike the price so much more than in KL.
It was noon time when we finally decided to call it an end to our tour. So what could be a better way to experience a true fishing village than to savour the authentic seafood here? Yes, I know right.
This particular restaurant, a very noticeable one since it's the first building you'll see as soon as you step onto the jetty on this island. It was featured in VKeong as well. But no, this was not the one that we tried.
This restaurant, whose name I did not even know for sure, (oopsie) was halfway in. It was right opposite the Malay eatery I mentioned earlier. Sandwiched between a restaurant and a coffee shop.
Three of us, three dishes. And one more Fried Omelette from a stall, also mentioned in VKeong.
Deep fried fish with gravy poured on top. This dish was my favourite of all. I especially like how the gravy tasted. It wasn't that spicy as it looked. Just the right taste and texture to suit the dryness.
CLAMS! Ooh, I love clams as well. Can you see how huge the difference is between the clams here and those in KL? Or perhaps, those clams that I eat in KL. Oh yes, just look at the sizes! They appear like giants next to KL clams. ;P
But they tasted a tad bit too salty. Momma said maybe it was because of its freshness, and hence making it more salty. A natural saltiness, I guess? But the flesh was awesome! Bro had the most of it. HAHA
Lastly, the fried omelette. 'Oh chien' ;) Ever since I first tasted Oh Chien in Penang, I've been in love with it already. It was from a stall, also recommended in VKeong. No doubt, the omelettes were more than usual but the same goes to the flour accompanying it. In fact, the flour was quite thick and starchy. So for one person's portion, just as this was, was definitely more than enough. If you want to try it, just be prepared for its price. Quite above the average price, I suppose.
Sapu everything! ;D
After lunch, it was almost time for us to leave. Momma thought of buying some local products back since we came so far already. Same as well, the prices are higher than those in KL, according to grandma, as she knows best. But still, bought a small packet of salted fish. ;)
Oh, and talking about hygiene?
Only in Pulau Ketam: Shoes and water stored together in a fridge.
And after a whole morning and afternoon spent on this little island, time has come for us to return back to mainland.
Farewell to this adorable doggy as well. He's been tailing us all the while when we were walking to the end of the village. How cute he was! But some people were so mean. =(
It's fine if you dislike him being near you but you don't have to scare it or shoo it away so fiercely you know. =(
He's like a Hush Puppy. Well, one thing about me is, I always associate a dog with long body and short legs with the Hush Puppy. Aren't they called Hush Puppies? ;D
Cutest thing ever!
I sat next to the window on our journey back to Port Klang. Looking out the window and seeing the waters sparkle with every shower of sunlight. Then it occurred to me about the aquatic life beneath the sparkling sea. Isn't it such a pity and a shame? Those creatures down there have to suffer and live in such a dirty place they call home. All because of what we did to the nature. Maybe it might not be all our fault, but still, we could have contributed to it some way or the other. And that makes the guilt build up even more.
I'm so sorry. I know, I wouldn't want to live in such a place either. =/
Let's hope it'll all change someday in the near future. ;)