Degree's starting soon and holidays are just, well, ending already. I mean, can you seriously believe it? Just as I was getting used to the super relaxed holiday life I m having right now, classes will commence in no time and oh well, busy busy BUSY. True enough, I woke up this morning and realization hit me that the hectic life I abandoned a couple of weeks earlier will be BACK starting tomorrow. Yay? Or nay?
Anyhow, I think I've spent this holiday pretty fulfilling. I finished reading the Vampire Diaries you gave me, I finished watching One Tree Hill season 1, I bought a book from Kinokuniya, I met up with my awesome future doctor buddy, En Hau and last of all and seriously the most memorable and FUN one (all were fun actually ;D) the Malacca trip. It could be considered a pretty last minute trip but then now that I think of it, it wasn't that last minute either. At least I planned on going on a trip to Malacca even before my Finals. And thank God, we finally made it. I finally got what I wanted. ;)
So on Friday, 22nd July, we left KL and I was the one who drove there. I guess we reached in about 2 hours plus and checked into Time Hotel at 3 plus in the afternoon. Of course, having been to De Hotel in Ipoh, I would expected more from this but then again, it wasn't a bad or rundown hotel though. There was air-con, shower, tv. Oh yeah, enough for a night. ;)
This trip was almost all about Jonker Street. Yeah, Jonker Street, Jonker Street and STILL Jonker Street. ;P Good though, cause I've always wanted to go there. On the first day there, we literally walked from the starting point to the end point of Jonker Walk. From late afternoon till night. Food, food, food and trying on beach hats, going from shop to shop, store to store, admiring little art pieces and potential souvenirs and ALMOST ALWAYS followed by, "So cuteeee!" Seriously, use another word, can? ;P
Saw this too! I didn't know there was one in Malacca but well, there was and I suppose it was much presentable than the one in KL. HAHAHAHA. Oh well, Stamford. I guess it still continues to ring a bell in my mind.
Look what I've brought! My lovely bolster that has been with me through thick and thin, literally. ;) I've always wanted to put it in my car but then I also need it when I sleep and even I'm not asleep. In short, I just need it at all times. <3
Somebody PLEASE tell me this does NOT look like Winnie the Pooh. No, really, look closely and carefully at it. Which part of it actually do look like Winnie the Pooh?? No right?? And it's yellow! Winnie the Pooh is slightly orange isn't it? ;P
As usual, girls will still be girls. Taking loads and loads of pictures even in the hotel room! ;D
Our very first meal there. I tried the fruit rojak. Sort of overpriced for me but I guess for the portion of it, it could be considered reasonable and the sauce, *thumbs up*
I like this tree. I thought it was a bonzai by its curves. *whistles* Alright, clearly I have a height problem in this picture. Blahhhh
I like this. ;)
Was it the curves, or my butt? LOL
That thing was HOT. As in, under the sun hot. And look where her hands were. ;P
Uhm, no comment. ;P
Found this well. Awesome right??? And there was still water beneath it! Omg, I was so excited for no reason. LOL
And lucky us (or not), we saw this couple taking their bridal pictures. So we went, *deeeeep sighhhhh*
I'm short. Really short. Why so short? Cannot be so short. I'm short!
Doesn't this setting exudes the cottage-like environment? Ahhhh... *melts*
"I was thinking bout you..."
"Thinking bout me..."
Oh no, no way. Just thinking about someone.
I asked her to take this picture (above) and I think she said couldn't see clearly or something like that. Who knows, she was actually trying to take this...
Yeah, this! (above) Hen hao xiao yi xia. ;P
She got her wish granted at last- Jonker Street. Since they missed it the last time they went right? ;)
And mine too! Jonker Street will be OUR hot spot! ;P
The appropriate poses.
The weirdo's pose. Really, can I get any weirder??? ;P
Much better in this right? Yeah, I know. ;P
Guess what we found? 'Bing tong wu lou'!!! The only reason I know of them is through Hong Kong dramas and I've always wanted to try them. And how lucky we were to have stumbled upon this! There were the ones coated with chocolate while there were those coated with a layer of syrup. Before it was to be eaten, the auntie soaked them in cold water for a brief half a minute or so to freeze the syrup and to give the fruits a chill. I suppose that's the reason though. ;P
The second last fruit. Lucky her. Know why?
Cause this last one was super duper freaking hard to bite and not to mention it was really really SOUR! I threw it away in the end. HAHAHA
And someone spent 50 bucks on these Winnie the Pooh car accessories. 50 bucks. Wow. ;P
Another round of FOOD! Man, the Fried Kuey Teow was really tasty. The fried oyster's and fried kuey teow's aroma were enough to pull us towards it. No joke man. But then, the fried oyster still couldn't match the one in Penang. That was the best I've ever tasted so far. =)
That night was just perfect. That time, he told me all about their time spent lying on the open field and now, I get to experience it for myself. What's different is knowing I couldn't tell you everything about it anymore. Oh well.
I just wanted to capture this so much! ;D
No, I wasn't bored.
Yes, I was trying to figure out the best way to take pictures in the dark. ;P
So was she.
Some 'corpse' pictures. Man, why in the world did we even think of that in the first place? ;P
That night was pretty cool. We stayed up till 1am, past midnight. We even witnessed an alleged burglary! Okay, not literally. The building further away had its alarm gone off. On an off, on and off for repeated times and then we saw someone flashing the torchlight around the room as if trying to spot some guy donned in full black. I added the latter part. ;P
We talked about so many things. What we're going through, our past and even science came into topic. But it was really nice. Lying down on the ground and watching the sky, counting stars, though there weren't much and letting the calmness around you consume you whole and only our conversation was my consciousness. We never used 'names' though, just 'him' and 'him'. And some times, it got me thinking about the possibilities and how nice would it be if I could turn back the clock to where it all started. To fix things, perhaps? I was surprised by myself that I managed to not fall asleep the whole time. ;P I think it was 1 plus before we finally left and went back to our hotel. And we still did not sleep immediately cause we were watching some random 60s-ish movie. It was not until 4 plus that I finally said I was going to sleep and only we went to bed. Exchanging good nights really made me think of you. I guess it's been quite some time nobody has said that to me, at least not you.

HAHA. Guess what! I turned on the tv and on HBO, this was playing. Oh yeah, Clash of the Titans. And then she told me something about this movie. Memories, all memories. Why do they cause so much pain? Yikesss. Anyway, we were so reluctant to leave the hotel room. At least I was. Gee, I wanted to continue watching it la! ;P
Final camwhore! ;D I love how we played around with the camera angles and placements and stuff like that. ;)
At last! Managed to savour Malacca's famous chicken rice ball. See, this could also remind me of something you told me and something we argued about. Ohhhh welllllll.
The rice balls were really CUTEEEE!!! They looked like glutinous rice balls to me. ;D I like eating 'tong yuen' too! They were so adorable I didn't even want to eat them. ;P This was delicious! Okay, I think I was pretty hungry by then and so it appeared delicious to me. But then, I think it was quite delicious too. HAHAHA
Our precious little keychains. There exists meaning behind it. There is a reason I want to make this keychain. There is a reason why it still means so much to me. There is a reason this keychain even exists between us. That's why there is a reason this gift will be the most precious and valuable of all. <3
I got a super massive ultra unbelievably super duper giant heart attack when I dropped it at the petrol station. Thank God the attendant saw it and asked me about it. Really, it scared me to death. And that wasn't a pretty nice feeling for me. =S I'll keep it safe, for now. I'll take real good care of it. I'll keep it with me, in my heart, until then. <3
And that, was the perfect ending for our perfect little getaway. ;)
Thanks for going on this crazy, last minute trip with me, Lai Yee. I truly appreciate it and for now, I could say that I managed to make the best of my 2 week holidays. Thank you so much. =)