So I'm officially 19 now. No, that's not a joke and yes, it's the truth. See how fast time flies? That's why I dread it to be over so soon! But nonetheless, it was a terrific day of celebration after all.
Thinking that maybe you might forget about it, but you didn't. You remembered. And I was glad. I am glad. =')
Seems so much that we've been through.
A year ago and a year later.
On this very special day.
I would not trade it for anything else.
Just a simple thank you.
Yet it holds such deep meanings that none could penetrate and fathom.
All the little mistakes I have committed,
All comes down to nothing, compared to what you've done.
And if I continue, I'll really have no idea what in the world I'm blabbering about.
So, I'll stop. ;P
A year ago, I requested to drive. And a year later, I still insisted on that. ;D
Oh yeah, we watched Insidious. Well, just too bad we couldn't make it for Pirates 4 because I really really really wanted to watch it together. And sorry for the slight temperamental moment after that. =/
Synopsis: The creators of Saw and Paranormal Activity team up to reinvent the haunted-house genre for a new generation with Insidious. Renais (Rose Byrne) and her husband Josh (Patrick Wilson) are still unpacking boxes in their family's new home when she first senses a sinister presence. Eerie events steadily escalate into supernatural attacks, until one day their oldest son slips into a mysterious coma. Renais and Josh abandon their ghost-ridden home and attempt to heal their broken family, turning to an unorthodox expert in supernatural occurrences (Lin Shaye). They soon discover: It's not the house that's haunted.
(Source: Golden Screen Cinemas)
It was super scary! Okay, not that scary to the extent I needed that exclamation mark but really, it was pretty nerve-wrecking. I mean, it's from the makers of Saw and Paranormal Activity right, so you really gotta expect some seriously freaky moments. But I guess you have to give them credits for what they've done with this movie though. Still, I really do not fancy a single bit the part where it shows the title of the movie along with its soundtrack.
Yes, this. *points below*

Honestly, that is so NOT needed! At least for me. Uh-uh, no no.
Nonetheless, go watch it. ;D
Your chosen piece of cake. Good thing we only got one for both of us. I never have thought that we were having such digestion difficulty at that point of time. But that place is awesome! Not Viva, but this cafe. And the boss/manager was soooooo friendly! Awh, I regretted not having asked him to help take a picture of us. =(
I like the cake. ;D
Thank you. =)
Second round. And I thought I could have at least a half hour nap or something but clearly my body has to work non-stop on that day. Thank God! ;D
No sooner had I propped myself onto my lovely comfy bed did mum said we would go for a movie. And IDK where in the world I managed to muster all that strength to shout for Pirates 4 at that time. ;D
So yeah, went off like almost immediately for Viva. Told you second round, didn't I? I was just there an hour ago! *blank faced* Anyway, I think I started to feel a little off colour already by then but, it's Pirates 4! <3 Must GO! ;D
I didn't know the skull was that outta proportion in this shot. ;P
Yes, finally too! A picture with mum! <3
And what do you know, there's a first time for everything. Yes, I mean EVERYTHING. I meant camwhoring in front of mum. ;P
Synopsis: Produced by Jerry Bruckheimer and directed by Rob Marshall, "Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides" captures the fun, adventure and humor that ignited the hit franchise - this time in Disney Digital 3D™. Johnny Depp returns to his iconic role of Captain Jack Sparrow in an action-packed tale of truth, betrayal, youth and demise. When Jack crosses paths with a woman from his past (Penelope Cruz), he's not sure if it's love - or if she's a ruthless con artist who's using him to find the fabled Fountain of Youth. When she forces him aboard the Queen Anne's Revenge, the ship of the formidable pirate Blackbeard (Ian McShane), Jack finds himself on an unexpected adventure in which he doesn't know who to fear more: Blackbeard or the woman from his past.
(Source: Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures)
(Source: Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures)
Jerry Bruckheimer! ;D He's just awesome with Pirates. Um yeah, that's where I got to know of him. ;P
Some people say it's an awesome movie, some say it's just, blah. And the review I read in the papers was not that good either. BUT I STILL WANNA WATCH IT! ;D
Well, not to be a spoiler or what but it's not as good as the previous installments. Yes, there're quite a number of new faces. Yes, it's a whole new storyline. Yes, it's Pirates. Yes, it's JACK SPARROW! Oops, Captain Jack Sparrow. ;D But still, there's still the realization of a missing gap as you watch it, if you've been as crazy as me over the Pirates series. <3
There's no more the usual trio. Jack, Will and Elizabeth. And that's one of the major disappointment. I wish they were back with Jack in this installment though. If the trio will be back in the next one, if there is going to be any, I WOULD DEFINITELY WATCH IT! Not that I won't if they're not. ;P
Anyway, the storyline is, kinda dangling. What happened to Syrena and Philip? He became a merman or what? And the blossoming love between them? And wow, those mermaids are super gorgeous! And yes, the not-sure-whether-love-or-not infatuation between Jack and Angelica. SO CUTEEEEE!!! <3 And really, there's really a lot of focus directed towards these two and Jack is soooooooo gentleman and a thumbs-up boyfie. ;D
Gosh, he's awesome. ;D
I got to watch the movies I wanted. I got to spend precious time with the people I love. I got to take time off for myself and you. I got to take pictures? ;) Oh yes, and I got the privilege to be treated a piece of cake! Just blissful. <3
I couldn't have asked for more.
And at the end of the day, it's not big parties that I need. It's not heaps after heaps of presents that do the magic, although it helps. ;P
Thank you for everything. I'm sorry but I just love the present wrapper. No, seriously! ;P And what a gift! I never would have expected that anyhow. But of course I do love it. I'll definitely read it, maybe after all the assignments impatiently waiting for me? ;D
285 is <3.