Tuesday, June 29, 2010

let's go to the zoo, there're lots of things to do!

We went to the zoo on Saturday. Yeah, it should sound WEIRD that we actually wanted to go to the zoo. But hey, zoo is an awesome place to visit! At least that's something different from the usual hot spots like shopping complexes right? =D I'd rather call that creative and interesting rather than weird and dull. =P Right right right??? =D

Well apparently, we left at around noon, so, we didn't really have much time to stroll through that labyrinth around the zoo's compound and scrutinizing every single creature that met our eyes. But I guess we both were more attracted towards the Reptile House. *giving that are-you-thinking-what-i'm-thinking-look*

Oh, and HUGE thanks to someone who told me to wear long sleeves for the scorching sun beams might be painful against the skin. *sarcasm sarcasm!* Man, it was damn hot okay? And how could I have been so silly to follow what he said? LMAO. My bad. I'll never wear long sleeves to zoo again. =P

20 bucks for the entrance fee. Initially, we thought of entering the insect and butterfly park too. But I guess we didn't have much time left though. I thought there would be sharks. But no sharks. =(

And those fishies we saw don't seem much of a difference you know. So, at some parts, kinda bored us. Um, maybe not. I think I sorta enjoyed looking at those huge and rare and strange-looking aquatic creatures, unlike someone who I think has this kinda slimy-phobia. =P 
Mud-skippers and extremely large fishes. Thumbs up! =D
Somehow it was difficult to resist laughing at someone's expression towards those creatures that I find extremely AMUSING. =P

Oh, and there was this elephant that kept staring us straight into the eyes and it looked so adorable! It was as if it knew us! =D Okay, exaggeration. =P And we actually saw it knelt down on its knee! Awesome! =D

It's really unfathomable how someone could like a baboon because of its red butt. Eww? HAHA

Oh, there were just too much to see man! Giraffes, tigers, lions, elephants - the common ones.
Penguins, bears, otters, flying fox which are actually bats, raccoon, wild boar! HAHA

We didn't take much pictures though, thinking that we'd better save the battery for reptiles later on. And yup, the best are always saved for the last. So as expected, the reptile house was the last destination. =D I guess we spent almost an hour in there. =D

Someone said it looked like Brother Bear. Sorry, but I never watched Brother Bear. =P Haha

These otters are just too cute!

Can you see them? It's not very clear though, apologies. Um, just in case you have no idea what they were doing, lemme tell you. They were actually mating. Yup, you heard me correctly. The male is on top of the female. Hmm, the male always seem to be smaller in size than the female ain't it?

I thought this was a komodo dragon at first. But clearly, it wasn't. It's some kinda lizard. I forgot its name. =P

These are alligators.

These are crocs.

They're different! =D
Hmm, someone's obsession. =P

Huge right???

The one on the right below the platform was way too posing man! It really was you know! =D

The Flying Fox aka BATS! They're huge! I'd never thought bats could be that huge man!

Alright, enough for those. Now, it's time for MINE! =D *drum roll*

The so-called King Cobra. Man, it never came out you know??? How frustrating it was. But I snapped it anyway. People, it's King Cobra!!! I just wanted to see its head. =(
And most animals that we wanted to see so much and take picture of seemed to be asleep man! GRRRR!!! =P

See how long it it? I just wish I could have touched it.

It's the same snake as above. This snake was awesome I tell you! I dunno whether it was me or what, but I was kinda like luring it upwards and it actually followed my hand upwards! How cool was that man! And I had to ask him to snap this picture. =D

This is a python. Um, an Albino-something Python. I forgot its name, sorry. =P
Someone said it looked nice. I had to nod. =P

They slithered really quickly man.

This is what I call a real python. Can you imagine how long it is if you untangle it? *breathless*

This is by far one of my favourite I guess. It's a viper. It's a venomous snake by the way. *if i'm not mistaken*

Geez, these weren't enough for me man! =( There were just too few of them! I had expected snakes I've seen on Discovery Channel and National Geographic you know. Okay, maybe I expected too much from our National Zoo. =P

But one thing for sure, snakes are one of the reason that made my day. Not just by seeing them and snapping pictures of them though. It was far more than that. =D

*deep breath*

I actually touched a python. =DDD

You will never ever imagine how happy I was! Just before we entered the Reptile House, there were 3 zoo trainees *I suppose*, just right outside the Reptile House. And one of them had a snake wounded around its neck. I was stunned. *someone said I was* How strange it was you know. I had wanted and longed to touch a snake ever since we planned this trip to the zoo, and now that I've came face to face with a snake, I was actually a lil nervous to lay my hands on it. But in the end, someone was urging and asking me constantly whether I wanted to touch it or not. So finally, I mustered all my courage and we both asked that guy if I could touch the snake. =D
And I actually touched it! OMG OMG OMG! I just can't believe I actually did that man! That feeling was just plain awesome! Its skin was not how I thought it would feel like. It was just, indescribable. You really gotta try it for yourself man. I love snakes. =D
It's a python by the way. *had i mentioned? XD*
And it looked so tame! OMG. How adorable it was man! With its innocent-looking eyes and its flickering sharp-pointed tongue and its smooth and moderate head size. Oh, I longed to have it wrapped around my neck man. Just once! =D

I guess I could still remember how its skin felt on my skin. Do I sound extremely outta my mind? I'm so sorry but I just am too interested in snakes. =D

Someone just dared not touch it. I am so gonna make you touch it if we ever have the chance again. Deal deal deal??? =DDD

Okay, enough of my snakes, I suppose? =P

Did any of you realize something of utter importance has been missing in those pictures???

Yeah! US!!! We were missing in those pictures! HAHA
Sorry, I promise we would have our picture snapped the next time. =D

We should go to the zoo more often. Okay, maybe not zoo. Or, we should probably have trips to more exotic places. =DDD *thumbs up + nods head in agreement!*

I love the zoo! =D



Friday, June 25, 2010

the shopaholism

25th June 2010

Today, I shopped! =D
Yup, had an awesome shopping spree at 1 Utama though for the 3 hours we were there, I only managed to get 3 pieces for myself.
Well, it's a major improvement by the way. I used to being unable to get myself anything when I shopped last time. So yeah, I'm better at shopping now. =D *claps*

I am so gonna shop more in this remaining one month before my college starts. =)

1 Utama is no doubt a shopping haven yet to be discovered. (by me) XD



Wednesday, June 23, 2010

faber-ness driven

23rd June 2010

I have the sudden urge to discover UK boy bands that I've not heard before. Well, partly due to someone's influence for his major fetish in Arctic Monkeys. *am so not into Arctic Monkeys XD*

So I've been searching and found these 2 UK boy bands that are super similar *according to the website* to Faber Drive.

The Latency

And Hedley

I like the Latency! Okay and Hedley too. Haha
I'm so gonna occupy myself with this discovery of UK boy bands from now on. =D

Oh, and I tried listening to songs by artists similar to Arctic Monkeys. *shakes head vehemently* BIG NO-NO. =P

UK boy bands


Sunday, June 20, 2010

faber drive

20th June 2010

Faber Drive.
I'm currently in love with them now.
I love their songs. =)

And yes, Tongue Tied has become my ringtone now. =)

Faber Drive.


from dawn till dusk with pure madness

19th June 2010

I love this day. =)

Waking up together at 530am in the morning and getting ready for the day. I wouldn't imagine anyone would be as crazy as us huh? XD I needed an hour to get ready to be actual, since I've not packed my stuff for badminton at night. *i ignored someone's advice to pack the night before XP*

By 630am, I was outta my house already. It felt like we were on a one day trip or something you know. LMAO I can't believe someone was actually THAT punctual. XP

Anyway, I had my innocent-begging-faced on just so I could drive us to Damansara and someone could at least take a rest on the way there. And yes, that ruse worked perfectly well! =D

So ended up we had our breakfast at TTDI. Well, everything surely has its first time right? =)

It was insane really. When we finished breakfast, it was only 7+, close to 8am. Gosh, the complexes will only open at 10am alright. So, what now? *eye-stare*

Oh, before breakfast, we managed to make our way to Tropicana City Mall, which was where he intended to go in the first place. But later on, he thought 1 Utama might be a better place to waste away the extra time after movie. And since 1 Utama hasn't opened yet *i think*, we thought of going to Ikea. As in, the clump of complexes there. Knowing Ikea would not be opened that early yet, I drove around and stopped somewhere near a park, behind Ikea's storehouse if I'm not mistaken. There was a huge lake and we literally walked around the lake from the starting point where his car was parked to the other side of the lake and back again. According to someone, there's a crocodile resting beneath the waters. Oh yeah, and it will surface slowly and emerge from the waters to hunt after us. I wonder how could I have crapped along with his theory. XP I was asked if I wanted to absorb more vitamin D and then being asked yet again that do I think at this 21st century, the sun would still be as vitamin D rich as before. Duh, you might as well not ask me! XP I need to buy sunblock, really. NOT SUNBURN! Well, someone said sunburn instead of sunblock. XP

It was only 9am by then I think. So we re-parked his car at a petrol station just opposite Tesco and walked across to Tesco. Well, as always huh? We always ended up roaming in supermarkets. So he was hunting for the 'fu yu' which I didn't know what it was that according to him, it's MOST allergic to him. Finally, I came to know that the 'fu yu' thing is bean curd. Okay, what's bean curd by the way? XP

By 945am, we both left for 1 Utama. Oh, we were early! Very early in fact to have found a parking right in front of one of the entrance. Well, since someone said he's sooo GOOD with the whereabouts inside 1U itself, then he'd better remember where I parked and where we came out from and where the hell we were! XP
I just remembered it has lots of 2s. XD

We went straight to GSC and were told that the available seats for all screenings of Toy Story 3 only left the front seats. Hmm, ended up buying tickets for The Karate Kid then. I wanted to watch The Karate Kid anyway. But Toy Story 3 has always amazes me. =) It's okay, we'll watch it the next time alright? Besides, I was told again and again that someone will be free for the next whole week. XP *don't forget about your promise to go shopping with me! XP*

I can't believe how silly we were man! Right after we bought our tickets, we realized there was TGV here at 1U too! Oh dammit! And the screenings for Toy Story 3 were so many! Right, we'll definitely be MORE careful the next time. XP

So I brought up the topic that I bought that Arctic Monkeys' CD at a certain store somewhere near TGV. We went inside and he asked if I wanted him to know the price. I thought about it and said, "No. Let's go." HAHA
Eventually, he kept bugging me to tell him the price which of course, I did not and will not! I guess he was about to go into the store the second time though. Luckily he did not! XP

Oh yes, I am pretty particular when it comes to shopping. And, how many shops did we go into already? XP And everytime we walked outta a shop, I'll give him the told-you-i'm-very-particular look and being told that, "It's okay. I have lots of time." XP

Subway, pet shop and then to Cold Storage. See that? We always ended up going to supermarkets! What's with that man? HAHA. Oh, they have so so soooo many flavours for Pringles itself! I wanted to buy one can for my bro but it was so expensive! Sorry, I'll ask mum to come here next time so I wouldn't have to use my own money. *cunning* XP

Movie was at 140pm. We estimated wrongly already. XP We thought we would go into the cinema right when the seatings will be opened so we could have some rest first before the movie starts. But I guess we were late too. HAHA
But what do you know! There were more commercials before the movie than other movies we have watched so far. And hell yeah, we had more time to rest indeed. Thank God. =)
Someone said he woke up at 2pm and that was only when the movie started. LMAO
You need REST man. Totally. 

The Karate Kid was AWESOME

Synopsis: 11 year-old Dre Parker (Jaden Smith) and his mother, Sherry, are forced to move to Beijing, China as a result of a job transfer. Dre struggles to adapt and finds himself in trouble with one of the toughest boys at school. Unknown to Dre, Mr. Han, his apartment building's maintenance man and a retired karate instructor, has been secretly watching Dre's struggles. Mr. Han steps in to defend Dre and becomes his mentor. 

Yup, Jackie Chan as Jaden Smith's kungfu mentor. It's nice, really. Very meaningful lessons and superb acting by Jaden Smith himself. =)

And not forgetting his kissing scene with this girl above. Well, his China crush I guess. XD I really wonder how will Will Smith reacts when he watches his love's kissing scene. XP

And the final battle between Jaden Smith and this big bully Cheng. Gosh, he really looks malicious man! *creepy*

Oh and there's a snake in the movie! Yeah it has! Gosh, I was so excited when I saw it and was spotted by someone. XP

It wasn't really that cozy being in the cinema for 2 hours 12 minutes. Man, I was freezing profusely! Yeah, and someone said he could see that I was being so restless. HAHA
I guess I could feel my teeth clattering and my legs shivering non-stop. It was a no-no feeling. XP
x x x

Clever that the exit from the cinema hall led to the car park, according to someone. And yeah, that was the best being-at-the-car-park feeling ever.

The movie lasted for 2 hours 12 minutes by the way. No wonder I felt like it was really long you know. Someone said it was a 1and a half hour movie. Yeah right! XP Or so he saw it from the screen at the ticket counter. *abnormal*

So there wasn't much time left after the movie and I said we'd better leave by 5pm. Well, who knows how congested it will be right? I honestly don't know. But mum always said that after 430pm, PJ area will be VERY jam. Words from a salesperson should always be adhered to! XP

I was somewhat 'forced' to buy something to eat and drink while someone has just lost his voice due to the soreness of his throat. Geez. =(

He drove us back to KL. It's really a great feeling knowing that you're the direction provider. XD But after passing through all the tolls and highways, I fell asleep and he drove us to Naam Keung for badminton. We were early! Once again. =)

I guess we both were dead drop tired by then. And luckily, we managed to get at least 10 minutes rest before the others arrived. Bliss. =)

15 hours. I relish that. Love that day. =)

And I like driving at dawn. No congestion, no cars, dark. Nice. 

It was madness. Really it was, no doubt. But we had fun right? And everything has its first time right? =D

Um, just give me an earlier notice if there was a next time. HAHA

I love this day. =)

1U. Movie. 15.


Thursday, June 17, 2010

damansara kids got love

17th June 2010

Yes, I drove all the way to Ikea today. Awesome ain't I? XD
I was robbed just by paying tolls! I'm broke. Mum, can I claim it back? XP

Ikea is amazingly HUGE! Okay, it was my first time actually going inside just to have some window shopping with bro. Nice huh? =)
I love Ikea

We shall go there next time. =)

And relishing McD's McFlurry complements the day.

Ikea. McD. Damansara.


Argentina barrió mis pies del suelo =)

17th June 2010

Argentina's match with South Korea was the first mamak match I had since the start of this FIFA season. Well yeah, that's the term I use for matches watched at mamak. XP
Mum woke me up just to ask me if I wanted to join her to watch the match at mamak. Man, I was dead tired by then, but what the hell, I tagged along just because I wanted to watch it! Come on man, it's Argentine vs South Korea! No joke man!

4-1 to Argentina. Awesome huh? Told you it was no j0ke! And Higuain scored 3 GOALS!!!

Ain't he HOT? Oh, come on! Say he IS! XD
But never as hot as my Torres. XP

Poor Messi. He had so many shots on goal and yet he didn't score one for his team YET.
I said YET, which means he will surely score in this tournament. I believe that. =)

You'll score, Messi. You will. =)

Argentina. Higuain. Hat trick.
